08 Feb

AZBUKA has passed inspection by the Independent Schools Inspectorate (ISI)

AZBUKA, the first Russian-English bilingual school to be a member of the ISA (Independent Schools Association), has passed inspection by the Independent Schools Inspectorate (ISI). The school, based in Ravenscourt Park in London, passed all aspects of the ISI’s rigorous scrutiny over two days, and was also visited by the Association’s chief executive. The action marks the latest endorsement of the school, which has previously performed well in assessments by Ofsted. Rudolf Eliott Lockhart, chief executive of the ISA, said: “It was a pleasure to be able to visit AZBUKA School and to be able to learn more about the value of bilingual education. The energy, enthusiasm, and dedication of the head and her team was obvious and the school has a wonderfully warm and welcoming atmosphere.”Pupils at Azbuka have a wonderful opportunity to have both a full in both English and Russian but also to have as well as an outstanding education across the full breadth of the curriculum. To have this approach starting at such a young age makes it far easier for the pupils to achieve fluency in both languages, and the skills they learn help them with additional languages.”I was delighted to see how AZBUKA’s bilingual approach offers strong opportunities for drawing on both Russian and English cultural heritage. At a time of such international tension, AZBUKA is a shining example of how pupils can build empathy and understanding across divides.” Maria Gavrilova, founder and head of AZBUKA, said: “We are delighted to have achieved this latest recognition, which reflects our commitment and the support of our strong leaders, teaching staff, governors, students and their families in pioneering our approach to bilingual education.” The Compliance inspection verified that Azbuka met all the conditions required by The Independent School Standards including on quality of education provided; Spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of pupils; Welfare, health and safety of pupils; Suitability of staff, supply staff, and proprietors; Premises of and accommodation at schools; Provision of information; Manner in which complaints are handled; and Quality of leadership in and management of schools.

02 Oct

AZBUKA Russian Afterschool Club for all

AZBUKA Russian Afterschool Club for all

Please scroll down for English.

ПРОДЛЕНКА в Русско-английской школе АЗБУКА для детей из других местных школ!

Вторник 16:00-18:00. Стоимость £20. Возраст 5-11 лет.
Дорогие друзья, мы рады вам сообщить, что с 27 сентября мы открываем Группу продленного дня при Русско-английской школе АЗБУКА (Studland Hall, Studland St, W60JS) для детей младшего школьного возраста 5-11 лет (подготовительный – 6 класс).
Продленный класс будет работать пока только по вторникам 16:00 до 18:00. Стоимость £20. Язык – русский.
Программа продленного дня будет включать:
? полдник
? настольные, подвижные и ролевые игры
? арт, лего, пазлы, свободную игру
? прогулку
? ужин
Чтобы записать вашего ребенка на группу продленного дня, отправьте запрос на admin@azbukafoundation.org
В своем емайле укажите:
✅ Полное имя вашего ребенка
✅ Дату его рождения
✅ Номер телефона родителя
Спешите записаться, места ограничены!
AZBUKA Russian Afterschool Club for all.
Tuesdays 4-6 pm. £20
AZBUKA School is happy to announce the opening of the Afterschool club!
From 27 September 2022.
The club will run on Tuesdays only for now, from 4 pm to 6 pm. The cost is £20 per session per child.
The club welcomes children from other local primary schools and is available to children going to Reception class and up to 11 years old.
Children take part in games, arts and crafts activities, homework club and play with their friends. They will also be provided with a healthy snack and hot dinner.
To sign up, please email to admin@azbukafoundation.org.
In your email, please include:
– Your child’s full name
– Date of birth
– Parent’s contact number
Priority will be given on a first-come-first-served basis. Places are limited.
01 Jul

Graduation of first cohort of students from AZBUKA Anglo-Russian international School in London

Первый выпуск русско-английской
интернациональной школы АЗБУКА в Лондоне

Friday 24 June 2022 was no ordinary day for the Azbuka community. The school hall in a beautiful Victorian building in West London was packed with children, teachers, parents and friends, and with emotions: happiness and achievement, pride and humility, smiles and tears, sadness and reflection as they moved on.

The first cohort of students was graduating from Azbuka Primary School, signalling an important milestone in the success of the Anglo-Russian international primary school in London, and for bilingual education in general.

A small group completed Year 6, bringing to an end their studies using a pioneering 2-way immersion bilingual and multicultural education curriculum. They were all well prepared to move on to a range of highly regarded state and independent secondary schools around London.

Azbuka Primary School, the UK’s only independent Anglo-Russian primary school, built on the Azbuka Foundation’s oversubscribed Nursery school (est. in 2002), complementary Saturday school and education centre created two decades ago. The Primary school opened in 2016 and now offers full-time bilingual curriculum from nursery/reception through to Year 6.

The journey towards a full-time bilingual school has been long, exciting and challenging. Inspired by the vision of the founding members, it was formed as charitable foundation, independent from either Russian or British government funding and focussed, to serve the linguistic, cultural, social and academic needs of its own multicultural community. Over the years, Azbuka has attracted families, trustees and supporters from many different backgrounds, nationalities and cultures.

All of its students benefit from a fully immersive curriculum and rich extra-curricular activities taught in both Russian and English, drawing on the best traditions of both cultures. They speak 15 languages and comprise a thriving multilingual community with many mixed families and teachers with origins in the cultures of Russia, England, Belarus, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, USA, France, Spain, Estonia, Italy, Sweden, Latvia and China among others.

Azbuka school has recently also offered a number of places to children arriving from Ukraine, with extra curriculum support for English, Ukrainian and Russian languages.

Maria Gavrilova, founder and headteacher, said: “I’m thrilled to see our first students graduate. On the 24th June my dream came true. 2022 marks a really exciting milestone for Azbuka school, which our dedicated staff have been building with innovative approaches to bilingual pedagogy to prepare our children for the future in the best possible way, building on tolerance and understanding.

The gift of another language and culture is truly unique: from the early childhood it opens the doors to another way of comprehending the world, granting a gift of true understanding, love and compassion as well as wider academic, cognitive and economic benefits. In our world torn by division and confrontation, the very idea of a bilingual educational space – where children and teachers of very different cultures learn, play, make friends and work together – is becoming more important than ever. Every day at Azbuka brings more convincing proof of the humanitarian and unifying value of bilingual education.

The birth, survival and growth of bilingual education demonstrates a profound truth: humanity transcends conventional political, cultural or linguistic border. Connection and understanding are at the very depth of the human heart.”

Anastasija Royce, parent of one of the graduates, said: “We were lucky with the timing: our son was in the first year the school started and is one of the first graduates. The incredible journey over the past 7 years was as exciting and fruitful as it gets in a caring and engaging educational environment.

Azbuka is more than a school, it is an extended family to us and I am sure to all the children that attend the school. On behalf of myself and other parents I would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to the head teacher and all teachers and staff for their professionalism, dedication and care, which made an extremely important difference to the lives of our children. May the School continue its success over the years to come.”

Paul Hume, head of English department and deputy head, said: “I am so proud to have had the privilege of teaching this cohort from Year 4 to 6. The journey they have made, their progress both socially and academically, is testament to the quality of the school’s bilingual curriculum. It gives me great pleasure to see them graduate with fantastic results and I wish them every success for the future.”

Dr Vally Lytra, an Azbuka governor and academic, said: “Warmest congratulations to the class of 2022! As a new school governor, I had the opportunity and privilege to recently witness the Year 6 cohort in action. I was impressed by their confidence and their openness and curiosity about making connections across languages and cultures.

I was equally impressed by the children’s welcoming attitude towards a new refugee classmate from Ukraine, who have joined the school. Its inclusive pedagogical approach and rigorous curriculum alongside an ethos of care and respect creates a nurturing environment for all children to grow academically, socially and emotionally and equips them with the knowledge and skills to succeed and make a positive contribution in a multilingual and multicultural world.”

Jelena Rosenberg, said: “As a class teacher and Head of the Russian curriculum at Azbuka school I have witnessed and played my part in our school’s development and growth, from a single class intake of just three student to the full primary school setting of today. Azbuka has grown as have its students, who together with their teachers and parents began an exciting journey into the world of bilingualism all those years ago. I am very proud of our Year 6 students’ achievements and results.

Opening Azbuka school was a daring though well researched idea, the realisation of a dream for our founding members, who have managed to build a strong and enthusiastic team of teachers around them, who have poured all their knowledge, skills and creativity into the project.

It was a leap into uncharted waters for many of us. The big idea, whilst founded on strong theoretical principles, needed to be brought to life – a bilingual curriculum. This was a challenging task for both English and Russian teachers. With our students’ interests and developmental needs uppermost in our minds, once the year one topics were carefully chosen; English and Russian linguistic objectives set; Peterson’s Maths programme launched; and supportive literature in both languages ordered – the learning began.

Six years on, Azbuka school has developed a broad, culture rich, comprehensive and unique curriculum for all classes. Along with English, Russian and Maths we teach History, Geography and Science in both languages, covering a wide range of interesting topics.

All Azbuka school children have opportunities to apply themselves in art, dance and song, and to develop drama and circus skills. Our KS2 children participate in Spanish, practical Science and IT lessons provided by specialist teachers. In Azbuka we strongly believe and actively promote cultural interaction with the wider world beyond the school premises. Educational visits to museums, galleries, theatres and other cultural venues are supplemented with talks by invited speakers are all considered very important and therefore a compulsory and hugely enjoyable part of our curriculum.

All school staff work together in the education and development of our students to help them to become not only confident users of language and maths but also beautiful, kind and openminded individuals.”

The school is an integral part of the bilingual education movement in England, as a member of the Independent Schools Association (ISA) and a founding member of the Bilingual Education Alliance (BEA), a network and association of bilingual and international schools within the UK.

16 May

Admissions 2022-2023

AZBUKA Russian-English International Primary School & Nursery in London. Admissions 2022-2023

Продолжается прием в Русско-английскую интернациональную начальную школу и Детский сад АЗБУКА в Лондоне [русская версия текста – внизу]

Please note limited space availability in some year groups.

  • UK’s leading Russian-English International Primary School
  • More than 15 languages spoken and cultures present
  • We welcome applications from children – refugees from Ukraine (Ukrainian or Russian speaking) and consider special bursaries for these families. We support the Ukrainian language in the curriculum
  • Full member of the ISA (Independent Schools Association)
  • The only school in UK implementing a unique Russian-English bilingual curriculum
  • 22 years of growth and development
  • High ratings across all areas examined by Ofsted
  • Culture rich broad curriculum including extensive music, arts and sciences
  • Holistic approach to education and learning
  • Small classes (8-10 children)
  • Successful transition to British independent, state and international secondary schools

For more information on Admission, Curriculum and AZBUKA Project please go to our website www.azbukafoundation.org

email: office@azbukafoundation.org

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/azbuka_foundation/

Telegram: https://t.me/azbuka_school

Продолжается прием в Русско-английскую интернациональную начальную школу (дети от 5 до 10 лет) и Детский сад АЗБУКА (2-4 лет) в Лондоне.

  • Лидирующая в Великобритании русско-английская общеобразовательная начальная школа для детей 5-10 лет и Детский сад для детей 2-4 лет
  • Наши ученики – дети разных национальностей и культур
  • Мы принимаем детей из Украины и рассматриваем возможность финансовой помощи по программе особой стипендии
  • Единственная школа в стране, где используется программа двустороннего языкового погружения, совмещающая английские и российские педагогические и культурные традиции
  • Фонд АЗБУКА существует и активно занимается развитием русско-английского двуязычного образования с 2000 года
  • Преподавание ведется на двух языках
  • Количество учеников в классе 8-10
  • Индивидуальный и целостный подход к образованию и воспитанию ребёнка
  • Школа АЗБУКА предоставляет обширную, культурно-насыщенную и академически сильную учебную программу, включая музыку, искусство, науку, испанский язык и танцы

Подробная информация доступна на сайте www.azbukafoundation.org

email: office@azbukafoundation.org

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/azbuka_foundation/

Telegram: https://t.me/azbuka_school

11 Mar

Statement on Ukraine

We support and will always stand by the children, families and people of Ukraine, and all of those who have become victims of this unfolding tragedy. 

First of all, we stress the values and key purpose of Azbuka: a British independent bilingual primary school and nursery situated in London, a megapolis that brings together so many different people from around the world. We are a small charity and work exclusively for the families of our community without operational support from either Russian or British governments. 

Azbuka offers children the chance to grow, learn, achieve and thrive in a safe, Russian-English bilingual educational environment, secure in their multicultural identity, enjoying a broad culture-rich creative and academically stimulating curriculum and achieving their full potential as unique individuals, caring friends and responsible citizens.

To be able to speak in more than one language and exposed to different cultures is a true gift to any child, family, community, country and the world at large.

People from mixed families and those brought up in a multilingual environment would never argue for conflict and war, but rather for understanding, love and friendship. This is the true miracle which reflects the unique benefits of a bilingual education embracing any languages and is the pedagogy we and a growing number of bilingual schools have promoted for over many years. That cause is needed more than ever today – for Ukraine, Russia and Britain. 

We believe that the children who have completed our programme can show us the way forward and teach us to be better people. 

These are Azbuka’s values and we will remain strongly committed to them. 

We strongly condemn war and aggression in all its forms, and more particularly, the current military conflict between Russia and Ukraine. We call on the world’s leaders to end fighting and ensure that those in Ukraine can start to heal following the pain that has been inflicted on them. 

Azbuka is an international school. We have children, parents, teachers and governors who represent many languages and cultures: Russian, English, Ukrainian, French, Swedish, Portuguese, Turkish, Bulgarian, Moldovan, Greek, Italian, Spanish and Chinese (among others). 

Ukraine and Russia share a similar language and culture, and many families at Azbuka have connections and ties in both countries. Our multinational community, especially families and teachers with family members in Ukraine, are in shock about this personal tragedy. They are grieving. The school is grieving. 

As with any grieving family, we would ask for respect for their privacy. We ask for respect of our space so that we can continue to apply the principles and guidelines to teach and protect our children, parents and teachers. 

We seek to protect them from the horrors of the current conflict as much as we can, and to allow them to study and play in the small oasis of peace we represent.

Despite our modest size and resources, in these tragic times Azbuka is seeking to make a real difference by helping innocent children and families caught in this conflict by: 

*  supporting refugees, creating school places and fundraising for bursaries for children coming from Ukraine, whether they speak Ukrainian, Russian or both 

*  supporting the Ukrainian language in the curriculum by engaging Azbuka Ukrainian teachers and volunteers 

*  extending our multilingual pedagogy by offering Ukrainian as a third family language through special clubs and lessons 

Bringing people together when everything is being torn apart, helping to rebuild bridges when they are being destroyed – these aims are at the very heart of Azbuka School. 

From now on – and perhaps for years to come – there will be few places where Ukrainian, Russian and British children have the opportunity to learn and play harmoniously in their languages and cultures.

Azbuka is now a school where these children can grow and thrive side by side in peace.

Out of the darkness will come the light. 

Governors of the AZBUKA Foundation

Maria Gavrilova
Dr Charmian Kenner
Jason Manning
Svetlana Malinina
Irina Khabibulina
Andrew Jack
Dr Vally Lytra 

20 Jan

AZBUKA Russian-English Bilingual Primary School OPEN EVENING for parents

Приглашаем всех заинтересованных родителей на ДЕНЬ ОТКРЫТЫХ ДВЕРЕЙ в Русско-английской начальной школе АЗБУКА с полной программой обучения (с понедельника по пятницу).
17 марта 2022 (четверг) в 18.30 в здании Начальной школы и Детского сада АЗБУКА по адресу: AZBUKA Russian-English Bilingual Primary School & Nursery, Studland Hall, Studland Street, Hammersmith, London W6 0JS (карта).
Для записи напишите нам Ваше имя и фамилию по адресу admin@azbukafoundation.org
Запись обязательна. Просим сообщить об участии заблаговременно! Места ограничены.
Мероприятие будет проходить на русском языке, вопросы и ответы на русском и английском языках.День открытых дверей проводится только два раза в год, не пропустите этой возможности.
“Школа Азбука – прекрасное место для разностороннего развития и раскрытия способностей наших детей. Этому способствует не только уникальная билингвальная общеобразовательная программа, но и интереснейшие занятия искусством, музыкой, танцами, наукой. Так же в расписание включено множество увлекательных экскурсий.” – родители ученика 5 класса
AZBUKA Russian-English Bilingual Primary School OPEN EVENING for parents.
Thursday, 17th March 2022 at 6.30 pm at our premises in Hammersmith.
Address: AZBUKA Russian-English Bilingual Primary School & Nursery, Studland Hall, Studland Street, Hammersmith, London W6 0JS (map)
All parents are welcome. Book early to guarantee a place. Just email your full name to admin@azbukafoundation.org
This event will be held in Russian, Questions & Answers in both languages. Please note that Open Evenings take place only twice a year.
«What makes Azbuka a unique place: The concept of bilingualism which the school embodies. Its curriculum enshrines both the Russian and English culture and language.» – parents of Year 2 Students
