28 Apr

Как много интересных мест в Лондоне! Вот где наш 1 класс уже побывал.

During the Spring term Swallow Class (Year 1) enjoyed educational visits to the V&A Museum of Childhood, the National Gallery, Canada House, the Science Museum and Kew Gardens.
Each trip was carefully paired with topics from ‘The World Around Us’, including; living history, famous artists, space exploration, plants and seasons. The excursions captured our imaginations, enhanced our understanding and enriched our learning.
We look forward to another exciting term of exploring new ideas both in class and around the wonderful city we live in!
12 Apr

Family Fair “Russian Carousel -№2”

More than 250 people from across London attended the Fundraising Family Fair “Russian Carousel -№2” organised by AZBUKA Foundation on Sunday 19th March 2017, when our Russian language, culture and bilingual education centre opened its doors to the wider community.

The aim was to have fun, bring together different groups who share our values, and spread awareness of our school and bilingual education, resource and cultural centre.

We generated £1,600 towards IT equipment, library and educational resources which will help to support our full time school.

Thank you for being with us!

“Azbuka’s spring fair took place in its premises, the spacious, airy hall of a former church on Vernon Road. It was a colourful, bustling affair, with a profusion of Russian artefacts and home-made foods, performances, and various children’s activities. Stylish hand-painted cushion-covers, quirky prints and illustrations jostled with rows of children’s books and of pots of Lithuanian honey set out in graded tones of amber; there were lavish displays of golden loaves of bread, and piles of pirozhki and vatrushki. Russian scarves in vibrant colours and patterns lent a picturesque look to the event.Children ran around excitedly, switching effortlessly between Russian and English, as if it were the most natural thing in the world.” – Ann Brown

Photography: Alisia Green and Natalia Howard:

10 Apr

AZBUKA is closed for the Easter holidays

Dear Parents, Pupils, Friends and Followers.
AZBUKA is closed for the Easter holidays.

Here are the dates children return to school:
19th April 2017 – Russian-English Primary School and Nursery (Mortlake site)
22th April 2017 – Saturday School including all after school clubs (Kew Gardens site)

We wish you all a very nice holidays and look forward to seeing you at the start of the new term.